Liz Yurkiw

For a woman who just moved to London five years ago – joining the London Food Bank (LFB) less than one year ago – Liz Yurkiw, has found her happy place, and vice versa… each and every shift.


Being so positive, she can’t resist sharing an Audrey Hepburn quote. It’s a great way to start our conversation about the London Food Bank (LFB): “As you grow older, you will discover you have two hands: one for helping yourself; the other for helping others.”


As she is a newcomer to London – and specifically, to the LFB (and its website profile section called ‘Volunteer Corner’) – she stands in awe of the talented volunteers that she recognizes as people who have trained her. In fact, is fortunate to feel she’s still learning.


Yet, like other volunteers, she comes to the trainee position with a wealth of life experiences including: Administrator, a mom, and a school teacher. Plus, leadership roles with teenage Girl Guides, little boy Beavers, etc. –  throughout the years.


She also has lived in several cities and has found that London is the most caring she’s ever experienced. The loving support of staff and volunteers – in her short tenure as a new LFB volunteer – she considers one of the most meaningful of her life.


She shared with me that she’s never started or finished a shift at the LFB without a wide smile on her face. Yet, she finds that whether it’s Jane, Doug, Mary Ann, Brian (among others she’s noticed) are the very ones who are thanking her and asking if she needs anything. She feels that it’s her who should saying “thank you!” in that they never get tired of asking for input: giving new ideas due consideration.  


Collectively the whole organization – initiated by Glen and Jane – has  constantly set the standard for mutual respect and as role models.


Speaking of role models, Liz was able to unwrap the story behind the  oversized SUV Cadillac Escalade parked outside the LFB building. It was all about someone – with a desire to help –using his large vehicle to pick-up and deliver food hampers to those in need: acting as a taxi service.  


To Liz, it was just another example of a loving gesture by the London community. She hopes that spirit of giving extends to one day having permanent rooms and housing with professional support workers.


Plus, increasingly adding food supplies sensitive to ethnic diets – avoiding pork products, for some.                                                                                                                                                                                             

Her wish list reminded me of the passing of Order of Canada recipient, Anna Kaljas, whose lifelong  mission, since the early ‘50s, was to provide, what is for many of them, their first stable home. “Why do people look down on them”, she once asked, “they’ve been put down all their lives.”


So, Liz’s advice to individual Londoners wanting to see if the London Food Bank is for them: just go ahead (signup online)… check back… spend a little time there and see for yourself.


Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, “I’m possible”!

 – Audrey Hepburn


Maybe, you’ll find what Liz has found: a home away from home!


“Please swallow your pride
If I have things you need to borrow

For no one can fill
Those of your needs that you won't let show…

But if we are wise
We know that there's always tomorrow”

(Watch on YouTube)

– Lean on Me by Bill Withers


Meet Alison


Bruce W.